About us

With precise services and honest pushes, we help customers and candidates who can, dare, and want to take a step closer to their goals.

A strong team

We are a strong team of enthusiasts who deliver services that are concrete, relevant and understandable in a safe atmosphere.

With respect to the task at hand and a focus on customer satisfaction, we provide targeted and honest advice.

We’re more than just a recruitment company. We dare to advise and add value to your business.

AMBIZZION is an ambitious and committed recruitment company. Working with AMBIZZION gives me a stability which means I'm never worried when hiring.

AMBIZZION is highly professional and meets all deadlines. They are good at navigating a modern job market where there are few candidates or high unemployment.

After trying AMBIZZION, I will never manage the hiring process myself again. They do their job so well it frees up my time to concentrate on what I'm good at: running a business.

Our values

Our clear goal is to deliver quality in our services. In all situations!
We take great pride in creating value and UNDERSTANDING and developing our customers’ business.

That’s why we call it “Recruitment with value”.

Many years of life and work experience

At AMBIZZION, there is no one under the age of 40. Which is a very conscious and deliberate choice.
Life experience and real-world business experience is our strength when assessing potential candidates.

We make a difference

Many companies hire people based on professionalism alone, but our job is also to be people-smart.
Both customers and candidates feel that we can make a difference here.

We value co-operation and customer satisfaction

We want to be known for our presence and commitment.

Tryghed og tillid i samarbejdet

We are never better than our last completed assignment. That’s why we evaluate all our assignments through ongoing follow-up with both customers and candidates and provide an unconditional guarantee.


Our focus is recruitment and headhunting. Executive and specialist search is our specialty.

Through persistent proactive search, we create the opportunity for the right match. We use our skills where we are best and where we have proven that we make a difference to customers and candidates.

We customize the individual recruitment process to target each process according to what we find best concerning the position.

We choose the approach – selection, search, executive search, or headhunting – that we believe is optimal for the task.

Renz A/S

Renz A/S

”AMBIZZION arbejder effektivt og lytter altid til vores behov. De kender os og tør udfordre os.”
– Peter Andersen, Direktør for Renz A/S

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”AMBIZZION er topprofessionelle og overholder alle tidsfrister. De er gode til at navigere i et moderne jobmarked, hvor der ikke er mange kandidater eller stor arbejdsløshed.”
– Simon Frandsen, Ejer og indehaver af Inwave

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Roll-o-Matic A/S

Roll-o-Matic A/S

”AMBIZZION er gode til at komme under huden på deres kunder. De kender os og kan lynhurtigt sætte sig ind i vores behov.”
– Birger Sørensen, Managing Director

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