Focus and specialties
Search and executive search of leaders and specialists is our specialty. Through persistent proactive search, we find the best.
Which recruiting process is best for finding your next employee
The primary occupation and focus of all partners in AMBIZZION is recruitment and headhunting. Search and executive search of leaders and specialists is our specialty. Through persistent proactive search, we find the best. We use our competencies where we are best and have proven that we can make a difference to customers.
We customize the individual recruitment process to target each process according to what we find best concerning the position. We, therefore, choose the form – selection, search, executive search, or headhunting – that we believe is optimal for the job.
All partners in AMBIZZION have a background from leading functions. In addition, we have a background from different industries and educations and contribute to each other with varying life experience, which is why we complement each other very well as a team.
Our customers value us for our dedication and persistence in searching for managers and specialists. We keep uncovering the market in the best possible way until we are satisfied with the qualifications and desired profile of the right candidate. This business philosophy is based quite simply on our experience that the potentially best candidates in many cases do not respond exclusively to traditional job postings.
Search at AMBIZZION targets candidates whose position is not at the top strategic level. Search is suitable for candidates who typically won’t see or are not expected to respond to job adverts and, therefore need to be proactively sought out. Search is often beneficial if there are not many candidates with the desired qualifications in the market.
Search will often also be an advantage if the company has unsuccessfully tried to attract candidates through traditional Selection, i.e. advertising.
At AMBIZZION, executive search is targeted at candidates currently CEOs, board members, or otherwise part of the strategic management team. Search will often also be an advantage if the company has yet to try to attract candidates through traditional Selection, i.e., advertising. Alternatively, candidates must have the potential to fulfil these positions.
Our executive search work also finds specialists who are a perfect fit for a given organization. The candidates we work with are often successful in their current position. We, therefore, enter into a dialogue with the candidate to clarify whether moving to the next exciting position is CV and career-enhancing.
AMBIZZION stands for consistently discreet and confidential search. We also create a good and positive dialogue with the best candidates for each job.
Selection at AMBIZZION is targeted at candidates, where most are expected to apply for the position via a job advert. Selection is an effective solution for positions where it is expected that there are a sufficient number of candidates who want to change job functions or companies and therefore, proactively apply for the position themselves. Often the company doesn’t have the time to do the work themselves, or perhaps the company doesn’t have the necessary recruitment skills and experience within the organization.
Selection is based on attracting candidates through targeted advertising in various media. This is done in collaboration with us, and our focus is predominantly on job portals and social media. However, selection is always combined with search to ensure an optimal field of candidates and, thus, the best possible quality of assignment fulfillment.
Headhunting at AMBIZZION means contacting named candidates. We typically use this method when, in consultation with our customers, we determine that it is most beneficial for AMBIZZION to contact potential named candidates. Examples of areas where headhunting is often used are for board members or executive candidates for high-level management positions.
Examples of areas where headhunting is often utilised are for board members or executive candidates for high-level management positions. Our customer/company typically wants to remain 100% anonymous in both situations. In such situations, AMBIZZION is used to determine whether candidates are interested in changing jobs in general and, specifically, whether the current inquiry is of interest.
100% Peace of mind guarantee and satisfaction follow-up
Based on our values and approach to recruitment, some specific conditions help ensure 100% security in the collaboration for both customer and candidate.
We are never better than our last completed assignment. That’s why we continuously evaluate all our completed assignments through customer and candidate satisfaction surveys.
We provide a minimum 3-month 100% guarantee on completed recruitments. This means that if a candidate or company stops working with us for any reason during the guarantee period, we will fill the position without any fee.
Renz A/S
”AMBIZZION arbejder effektivt og lytter altid til vores behov. De kender os og tør udfordre os.”
– Peter Andersen, Direktør for Renz A/S
”AMBIZZION er topprofessionelle og overholder alle tidsfrister. De er gode til at navigere i et moderne jobmarked, hvor der ikke er mange kandidater eller stor arbejdsløshed.”
– Simon Frandsen, Ejer og indehaver af Inwave
Dansk Installations Teknik A/S
”En af de ting, jeg gerne vil fremhæve ved AMBIZZION er deres vedholdenhed. Når de er med til ansættelsessamtaler, kører alt som det skal. AMBIZZION sikrer, at der bliver stillet alle de rigtige spørgsmål.”
– Jan Hansen, Direktør for DIT A/S